
The blog of Wellman's Pub Ingersoll and Wellman's Pub and Rooftop West Des Moines.

New Menu for Wellman's Pub and Rooftop!

We've switched up our menu. You'll find a lot of our old standbys, but we've added a bunch of fresh stuff. We'll add some pictures in the next few days or so. Cheers!

New Wellmans West Menu 2.jpg

25 Beers of Christmas!

25 Beers of Christmas!

We're giving away lots of good stuff. All you've gotta do is drink some tasty beers.

Drink all 25 Craft Beers by Christmas and WIN!

We'll give you a punch card. If you drink all 25 craft beers on our menu, you're eligible to win! Stop in this week and fill out a card that makes you eligible for one of these prizes... 

Grand PRIZES include:

  • VIP suite at a Iowa Wild Hockey game for you and 9 guests
  • Beer Mirrors from Budweiser
  • 2 tickets to the Minnesota Wild hockey game (Saturday Jan 18) & a tour of the Summit Brewery while up there. 
  • Exile Brewery Tour and pack of Pint Glasses 
  • Confluence Brewing Company giving private tour for 2 and free logoed pint glasses filled with beer during tour.
  • Peace Tree Brewing Company Tour and pint glasses

For more on this contest, feel free to check out this event page on Facebook
